quarta-feira, 20 de maio de 2015

Socrates: A logical and philosophical portrait, by Hingo Weber

Socrates: A logical and philosophical portrait, by Hingo Weber

Bilingual edition (English / Portuguese)

This is certainly one of the best books I've read in my life, and I was lucky enough to revise it, both in English and Portuguese.

That is, I read and re-read this book several times and I say that all readings were exciting. In both languages. It's hard to say in which language it is better.

It is fascinating to take this philosophical trip along the trial of Socrates, especially considering this touching analysis by Hingo Weber.

The author really enters the heart of Socrates' trial, and shows us the inner workings of his thoughts as well as Plato’s account and analysis; showing us Socrates himself and the Socrates described / narrated by Plato.

And finally the author shows us how Socrates was defeated by himself.

It is a must book for anyone who loves philosophy, from 8 to 80 (or older), because it is not restricted by age or culture.

It is worth reading and seeing for yourselves the breadth of Hingo Weber’s writing.

And then you can come back here and tell us what you thought of the book.

It is a work that deserves to be evaluated publicly, because I'm sure it will stand the test of time.


Clica no Look inside para mais informações, quando acessar a página do livro no link acima. O livro está publicado de forma bilíngue, assim, se você tiver alguma dificuldade com o inglês, pode verificar no texto em português.


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